Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thing 18

We just got a copy of Photoshop to use in staff development. I will be the one that will be using this software. I found a video on Photoshop on YouTube. This will be really helpful as I learn to use this new software. I subscribed to this site so that as new information is posted I will be able to learn more nuggets about this software. I also found a video on how to embed a YouTube video into Powerpoint. This is something I have done in the past, but have spent a lot of time working on getting it to work. This video showed me the correct and quicker way to do it.

I have only used YouTube to watch funny videos that people have told me about. When I got in and started doing searches for education things, wow!, I was really suprised at what is available. I was able to find lots of videos on techniques I will be able to use in my hobby, rubber stamping.

I found a funny video of a little boy that was on the Ellen Show and he loves vacuum cleaners. It was so funny. Another one of my favorite videos is Charlie Bit Me.

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